
What exactly is retargeting in digital marketing?

According to a Neilsen study, most consumers visit a website an average of six times before making a purchase. That is why building a solid Google Ads retargeting strategy in your marketing process is critical. If visitors do not convert on their first visit, retargeting allows your company to drive potential customers back to your website in order to persuade them to do so on their second, third, fourth, and so on.

Retargeting allows you to remind customers about your products and services after they leave your website without making a purchase. It makes it possible for you to see related relevant ads when your visitors visit other sites. Retargeting tends to work with apps, search, and website banner ads.

Retargeting in Google Ads

It simply refers to a method of advertising in which your advertisements are displayed to people who have previously interacted with your website. Interactions can take many forms. It could be something as simple as adding an item to their shopping cart or it could be visiting pages or watching one of your YouTube ads.

How Retargeting Adverts Work

Pixel-based retargeting and list-based retargeting are the two most common types. Each has a distinct plan of action, and each has unique benefits based on your campaign objectives.

Looking to learn more about Pixel-Based Retargeting?

Pixel-based retargeting is a technique for re-displaying your content to any unspecified site visitor. It is the most widely used method of retargeting. Whenever anyone visits your website, an unobtrusive piece of JavaScript is loaded into their browser, effectively making their browser cookie-d. When visitors leave your site to browse the web, that cookie notifies retargeting podiums to provide specific ads based on the specific page visitors visited on your website.

The advantages of pixel-based retargeting are that it is timely, that visitors can be retargeted easily and quickly after leaving our website, that it is specific to a specific page on our site, and that it is action-based. The disadvantages of this technique are that there is a lower volume of visitors in the campaign at any given moment in time because it is all about how frequently visitors are attracted to our website, visiting specific pages, and leaving. The pixel-based retargeting method can also be complicated or time-consuming to execute JavaScript on a large number of website pages.

List-Based Retargeting is the second type

If we already have any visitors’ contact information in your database, list-based retargeting works well. We can also use previous contact lists for certain types of retargeting ads. Export a list of email addresses to a retargeting campaign on a social platform like Facebook or Twitter, and the platform will find traffic on that network with that information and run retargeting ads only to those visitors. We already noted that it is not a common type, but it allows us to have a high custom-built basis for our ads because it is focused on more than behavior — you choose who goes in which list.

On the other hand, we can use our list to provide you with one email address and one or more social media platforms; in those cases, they will not see your ads. Also, keep in mind that list-based retargeting is less automatic and timely than pixel-based retargeting because you are in charge of uploading and maintaining the list.

Retargeting in Digital Marketing: What Are the Objectives?

Now that we’ve learned how retargeting works and that there are various types of audiences to target, we need to focus on the ideal goals we should try to achieve through our retargeting marketing campaign. These are as follows:

Are you familiar with the Retargeting Platform and Tools? If the answer is no, you will find out by reading this blog by the best digital marketing agency in Kochi.

You now have a few options for managing your retargeting. Some social platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, provide native tools; however, there are numerous third-party platforms available for social and web retargeting, some of which are listed below.

SharpSpring Ads

It is a retargeting tool that allows you to run dynamic retargeting ads and display them in websites, newsfeeds, and social media platforms for your targeted audience members to see. We can also assess the overlap of your campaigns to ensure you’re on the right track, and use its powerful analytics to obtain up-to-date data on click-through rate (CTR), conversions, and revenue.


AdRoll uses over ten years of consumer data and deportment to help us run retargeting ads that are highly effective, relevant and shown to your audience on the platforms they frequently use. If you use HubSpot, AdRoll can integrate with Marketing Hub to help you easily sync your previous contacts and create a list of targetable audiences.

ReTargeter Tool

ReTargeter helps us create campaigns that are tailored to your specific business needs and will help you stand out from the competitors. With the help of this tool, we can keep our company at the top of our audience’s minds no matter where they spend their time in the digital world.

Criterio Tool

Criterio assists us in retargeting our targeted audience via conceptual retargeting, in which it uses business information from previous visitors to identify which mediums have been successful in stimulating purchases in the past. Because these channels have proven to be high-collision and effective, our ads will be placed in them for users to view.

Email retargeting

Email marketing is simply an attempt to reach the right people at the right time with the right content to encourage them to convert. Email retargeting works by gathering data on your customers and using it to create only the most relevant, better-targeted email campaigns that are always tailored to their needs. You must have at least a basic understanding of behavioral marketing to do this. It is a process of observing and tracking the actions of your intended audience. In general, it is a tracing of their website and purchase actions. We can also do this with the help of third-party applications, allowing you to control how they appear in relation to your brand.

The most common way to track these behaviors is through the use of website cookies. Cookies are stored on a visitor’s browser to help track user behavior. These can include what they choose to click on, how they move around your site, etc. However, this method becomes trickier than ever, thanks to various technologies that block cookies or delete them once a user closes their browser.

Disable Tracking in Google Chrome

More recently, email marketers have used remarketing pixels in emails to help them track subscriber data. A tracking pixel is a tag embedded in the HTML code of an email that tracks the behavior of a specific user after opening an email. These tracking pixels work very similarly to website cookies and can help you better understand your subscribers. However, at this time, they cannot be blocked like cookies.

Facebook Retargeting

On Facebook, you have the advantage of its large following. Coupled with the amount of data Facebook collects about its users, it’s highly likely that the leads you’ve lost will see your ad. The website examines users’ previous search history and extracts relevant ads.

These steps will help you with Facebook Retargeting

  1. Start by preparing a list of previous contacts or acquiring a class from pixels on our website
  2. Upload the catalog to Facebook’s Audience Manager. Then we’ll choose our landing URL
  3. Segment our advertisements to appeal to specific demographics
  4. Set a budget
  5. Make your ad
  6. Monitor the progress of your campaign