
Excellent Website Speed Tips You Should Be Aware Of

Do you have a website that takes a long time to load? What is the cause of this, and how can you increase the speed of your website?

Do you think that website speed is insignificant?

If the answer is yes, your assumption is incorrect.

In truth, 47% of consumers expect websites to load in two seconds or less. And 40% will leave a website that takes three seconds or more to load. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you may lose nearly half of your visitors before they even arrive. Your slow website may also result in fewer return visitors in the future. According to a survey, 79 percent of customers would not return to a site that performed poorly.

According to a survey, 52 percent of consumers say that quick page loading is important to their site loyalty, and 44 percent of visitors say they tell their friends if they have a negative experience with a website

Why is a good website speed so important?

Website speed has a significant impact on user experience, SEO, and conversion rates. Best SEO services in Kochi optimizes website performance is critical for increasing traffic and keeping site visitors engaged.

The negative repercussions of a one-second website delay

  1. 11% of visitors do not view your pages
  2. Visitors’ satisfaction has dropped by 16%
  3. Our conversions have dropped by 7%.

You can understand the consequences of even a one-second delay in your website using this data. So consider how more delay will affect our website or business.

How can you test the speed of your website?

You can easily test the speed of a website using a free web application such as Google Page Speed Insight. It also explains why your website has become slow. There are also many free tools available, such as Solarwinds Pingdom Speed Test, GTmetrix, WebPageTest, Uptrends, and others, to ascertain whether your website is performing well.

Here are some tips for increasing website speed from the best digital marketing company in Kochi

1. CDN

A content delivery network (CDN) is a collection of geographically diverse servers that improves the speed of web content delivery by bringing it closer to users.YouTube, Facebook, and Netflix all use CDNs, which is why we can watch videos without having to wait for them to load.

2. Image and video minimization

Image optimization allows us to control image load time. Image optimization usually includes lowering the resolution, compressing the files, and shrinking their dimensions, and many image optimizers and image compressors are freely available online.

3. Reduce the number of HTTP requests

An HTTP request is a document request sent from the browser to the servers specified in the URLs. Actually, it is not a bad thing because your site requires them to function properly and to look good. You can limit the number of HTTP requests to less than 50. You’re doing well if you can keep HTTP requests under 25. It will speed up your site and examine your files to see if any are unnecessary.

4. Browser HTTP caching

HTTP browser caching encompasses the browser storing local copies of web resources for faster and better performance when we browse. It facilitates retrieval the next time the resource is needed. In simple words, it is a temporary storage location where browsers keep copies of files so that they can load recently visited webpages very quickly, rather than having to request the same content over and over again.

5. Reduce the size of CSS and JavaScript files

Minification of CSS and Javascript simply refers to the process of removing unnecessary lines and spaces from a page’s source code. CSSNano and UglifyJS can also be used to minify CSS and JavaScript. The Closure Compiler also plays a significant role. It is basically a streamlined code. This is indicated by the fact that when code is minified, servers load pages much faster, making it easier for search engines to crawl the website’s content.

6. As much as possible, reduce redirects

URL redirection is also known as URL forwarding. It is a World Wide Web technique for creating a web page that can be accessed via more than one URL address. When a visitor attempts to open a redirected URL, a page with an unrelated URL is displayed. When you change or delete pages, you must use redirects. It is the most effective method for resolving broken link issues. However, if you have too many redirects, it will cause additional HTTP requests, which will slow down our website, especially on mobile devices. As a result, they should be kept to a minimum. By using Screaming Frog, you can quickly find redirects on your website. Scan your site, then sort by the “Status Code” column to find all 301 redirects.

7. Choose the best hosting option for your requirements

We know that new website owners opt for the cheapest hosting option. While this is adequate for the starting point, you will need to upgrade once you begin receiving more traffic.

We have three hosting options. They are as follows:

  1. Shared hosting
  2. Virtual private server hosting
  3. Private server

Shared hosting is the most affordable option, with prices starting at around $5 per month. While sufficient for low-traffic sites. Shared hosting simply means that a server and its resources are shared with other websites.VPS hosting creates an efficient environment that mimics a dedicated server within the confines of a shared hosting environment.A dedicated server, also known as a private server, is a type of web hosting in which the owner has exclusive use of an entire server.

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We provide the best digital marketing services in Cochin at reasonable prices. As the best digital marketing company in Kochi, we satisfy our clients and assist them in resolving their problems with new creative and effective ideas. We strive to stay up to date at all times, provide information about new technical updates, and respond to questions from our audience.